
Note: A web-based IRC client has not bet set up yet

Wikipedia>IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and was one of the first instant messaging protocols. Many say it has been superseded by other protocols and platforms, but some make good arguments for why it's still very useful.

Make sure you read the ./Privacy Policy and ./Terms of Service.


  • Hostname: irc.nixnet.services

  • Port: 6697

The “official” channels are #nixnet and #nixnet-ot. As the names suggest, the first should be used for anything related to NixNet and the latter for anything off-topic. Rules are few but check the ./Terms of Service for specifics.

Don't forget to run /list to see all the public channels!


I take a light approach to moderation in general but particularly with IRC. Don't be “that person” who gives Wikipedia>IRC operators a hard time. Wikipedia>IRC#Modes are set to +nst by default, but can easily be changed.

This server runs ergo and comes with a lot of nice features baked-in, such as NickServ, ChanServ, message history (disabled by default), and multi-client support. The docs are a mixture of information pertaining to admins and users; ignore the admin content and focus on what might be pertinent to users.


For a graphical client, Wikipedia>HexChat is a popular option if you're on Linux, take a look at Polari. If you'd like a Wikipedia>Text-based user interface, there are some great clients in the delightful-cli list. Personally, I interact with IRC using an XMPP client through Cheogram's bridge.